International Student and Scholar Services

Reduced Course Load (RCL)

国际学生必须注册全日制以保持其国际学生身份. In certain cases, 学生可以通过申请减少课程负荷(RCL)授权来申请注册不足的授权.

Review the information below for RCL requests. For more information regarding full-time enrollment, please see our enrollment requirements webpage.

Types of Reduced Course Load (RCL) Requests:

  • Illness or medical conditions — 允许国际学生在攻读特定课程水平的课程期间,因临时疾病或医疗状况而参加不超过12个月的全日制课程. There is no enrollment minimum requirement.
  • Academic difficulties — allows international students in their first semester in the U.S. 因以下原因,报读不少于兼职(半全日制)的学生:
    • Initial difficulties with the English language.
    • Initial difficulties with reading requirements.
    • Unfamiliarity with U.S. teaching methods.
    • Improper course level placement.
  • Completion of course of study -允许国际学生在最后一个学期注册全日制课程, 只修完剩下的必修课程即可达到毕业要求. Students must be enrolled in at least one credit.


  • Student is currently in valid F-1 student status.
  • Student must meet all necessary requirements for requested category, including any minimum enrollment requirements.
  • Reasons for ineligibility:
    • 疾病或健康状况:如果学生之前因疾病或健康状况而患有RCL长达12个月, 学生在同一课程水平的学习过程中,由于疾病或医疗状况而没有资格获得另一个RCL.
    • 学业困难:如果学生以前有过由于学业困难而导致的RCL, 由于在同一课程水平上学习的学业困难,该学生没有资格获得第二次RCL.
    • 完成课程学习:如果学生在完成课程学习的第二次RCL之后没有完成他们的学习计划, the student is not eligible for a third.

Key Points

  • RCL申请应不迟于学期开始前1-2周提交.
  • 你可能希望在提交申请之前与你的学术顾问谈谈,讨论它如何影响你的学术课程的进展,并注册适当的课程.
  • 没有得到国际学生的事先授权,国际学生不能降到全日制以下 & Scholar Services (ISSS).
  • Reduced Course Load authorizations are granted per semester. 国际学生必须在下学期恢复完整的课程学习或申请另一项授权,以保持F-1学生身份.
    • 因学业困难而获得RCL授权的国际学生在某一特定课程级别学习期间,仍可能因疾病或医疗状况而获得RCL授权.
    • 如果总授权时间不超过12个月,国际学生可以因疾病或健康原因重新获得额外学期的RCL授权.  国际学生必须每学期重新申请,并提供当前的医疗证明,表明继续治疗.
  • 国际学生可以在获得RCL批准后继续在校工作,前提是工作不会影响学生的学业. The student must be enrolled in at least one credit.
  • For completion of course of study, if only one course remains to finish degree requirements, the course cannot be taken through online or distance education, 除非课程有实际存在的要求(hybrid/hyflex).  The course must be taken through St. Cloud State University.

Application Procedures

  1. 与你的学术顾问讨论你申请减少课程负担(RCL)的计划,并注册任何必修课程.
  2. Complete the Reduced Course Load (RCL) Request Form
    • You may also access the form by visiting and sign in with your student Office365 account. Select the "Reduced Course Load (RCL) Form" in "Forms I can Submit". 在整个过程中,您可以从表单指示板查看请求的状态.
    • Please read through our step-by-step user guide (PDF)
    • 此表单允许您出于以下原因之一请求RCL授权:
      • Illness or Medical Condition
        • 学生必须提供有执照的医生的书面证明, doctor of osteopathy, 或持牌临床心理学家建议减少课程负担,并附上正式抬头的信,并包括以下细节:
          • Full name of the student
          • 描述学生的疾病或医疗状况,以及它如何影响学生的学习.
          • 建议学生减少课程负担或根本不上课
          • The specific term for which a reduced course load is recommended.
          • Original signature and date
          • Practice address and phone number
      • Academic Difficulties
        • 学术顾问将被要求提供一份描述情况的书面声明, as well as confirmation of the course/s to be dropped/withdrawn.
        • If authorized, the student must remain enrolled at least part-time.
      • Completion of Course of Study
        • The student must be in the final semester of their program.
        • 学生必须在提交表格之前注册剩余的必修课程. 学术顾问将被要求确认这是学生的最后一个学期,并且学生已经注册了剩余的课程以完成学位.
        • If also participating in Curricular Practical Training (CPT),学生可以在CPT申请表中包括完成课程学习的RCL. An additional RCL request is not needed.
  3. Once the form is submitted, the review process will begin. You will receive e-mail updates at each stage of the review process. RCL请求需要由以下人员或团体进行审查和提出建议:
    1. Academic Advisor (options 2-3)
    2. ISSS Review (options 1-2)
    3. International Student Advisor (DSO) Final Review
      • 处理时间估计为5-7个工作日,一旦与DSO. During peak times of the semester, 由于申请数量庞大,处理时间可能会延迟.
  4. 如果获得批准,国际学生顾问(DSO)将授权本学期的RCL. You will be notified in a final e-mail if your request is approved. 更新后的I-20将显示第2页的RCL授权,并将在最终批准邮件中附上.

如果您需要一般帮助,请通过电子邮件博彩网站推荐的办公室 or call 320-308-4287.

For specific questions/concerns once your request is submitted, please reach out to International Student & Scholar Services by e-mail at


